You’re not going to hit a ridiculously long phone menu when you call us. Your email isn’t going to the inbox abyss, never to be seen or heard from again. At Avoveg we provide the exceptional service we’d want to experience ourselves!
Give us a call— or better yet—drop into our headquarters to say hi in person, Sometimes you need a little help from your friends. Or Avoveg support rep. Don’t worry… we’re here for you.
332 Wilson Butte Rd, Great Falls MT 59405, USA
Avoveg Complex Kabansora Road, Off Airport N Rd, Nairobi, Kenya P. O. Box 19515 - 00202 Nairobi
It takes less than a minute of your time.
Or you may simply call +254 704 534266.
Avoveg is one of the Leading Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Exporters from Kenya.
We are the main Exporter of the Fresh Vegetables and Fresh Fruits.
332 Wilson Butte Rd Great Falls MT 59405 USA